People's Republic of China and Great Wall Essay

Submitted By Nusha123
Words: 946
Pages: 4

Full Country Name: People's Republic of China

Area: 9,596,960 sq km (mainland)

Population: 1.25 billion (mainland)

Capital City: Beijing (pop 13.8 million)

People: Han Chinese (93%), plus 55 ethnic minorities

Official Language: Putonghua (Beijing Mandarin dialect)

Religion: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Muslim, Christian

Government: Communist republic
Presidant: Hu Jinatao Currency: Yen
Bordering countries: Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, North Korea, Kyrgzstan, Tajikastan, Afganistan, Nepal, Bhuton, Burma, Vietnam an Laos.
Coastline: Pacific ocean, east china sea and south china sea.
Highest mountain: mustag

China is a huge country. Most of its modern cities are in the east, close to the coast and most people live here. The middle of the country is full of farming villages where most of the food is grown. In the north is the Gobi desert-a large is of mostly barren stone and sand. Rice is one of china’s most important crops. One in five of the worlds population is Chinese. China has phsical and human problems. These problems are mostly urbanization. China is a communist country. It has the biggest exporters in the world and massive manufacturing industries.

Beijing is the capital of the people's Republic of China. The municipality is under direct administration of China's Central Government. The city is the center of politics, culture, and international exchanges, as well as one of the largest metropolises of industry, finance and trade. Beijing is a world-famous city for its long history and splendid culture. Other cities in China include Shanghai, Yancheng, Huzhou, Hangzhoo and Nanjng.

China's climate varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in summer.

Bicyicles are a way of life in China. Only a few families own cars, so most people travel by bike. There are over 200 million bikes in China.

Great wall of china, emperor shi huangdi began building the great wall of china in about 221 b.c. to protect his land form the Xiongnu people of the north. It is the largest structure ever made by humans. The Great wall was rebuilt in 15th and 16th centuries. It follows the mountains for 6,350 km. Watchtowers and gateways were used for defense. Great wall is so large that it can be seen in pictures taken by satellites in space.
For 500 years, the Forbidden City in Beijing was home to Chinese emperors. Servants and administrators had to find there way around the hundreds of buildings that made up the vast walled city. Ordinary people and foreigners were forbidden from entering without permission. Five bridges crossed the stream called the River of Gold. There were 9,000 rooms for the emperors family. It was built facing the south to stay away from the Siberian winds and the evil spirits thought to have come from the north.
Other famous sights are: The Bund, Terra Cotta Warriors, Yellow Mountain, Potala Palace and the West lake.

China has eight major dialect groups: Putonghua (Mandarin), Yue (Cantonese), Wu (Shanghainese), Minbei (Fuzhou), Minnan (Taiwanese), Xiang, Gan and Hakka. The language spoken in Beijing is usually Mandarin (Putongua). This means the “common language” and more than 70% of the population use it. Recently, the tourism to China has increased, so now, many people speak English, especially staff in Hotels.

There are mainly five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and other Christian religions. Generally, Buddhism in China can be categorized into Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Southern Buddhism.

Cuisine and Food:
Foods are given particular meanings, so that in certain occasions a type of food, can