Pernicious Anemia

Submitted By tantanjoe
Words: 454
Pages: 2

Tanner Joseph
Pernicious Anemia
Each and every day the human race is faced with being diagnosed with disease’s that happens in the body most of them genetic. Regular people like you and me could be diagnosed with multiple kinds of genetic diseases at any time. One of these genetic diseases is called Pernicious Anemia
Pernicious Anemia also known as “Addison Biermer Anemia” is a disease with in the body that causes a decrease in red blood cells that occurs when your intestines cannot properly absorb the vitamin B12. Your body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells. You get this vitamin from foods such as meat, chicken, shellfish, eggs, and dairy. There are many different causes of Pernicious Anemia some may include weakened stomach lining or a condition in which the body's immune system attacks intrinsic factor protein or the cells that make it. Through families (genetic) is most common, babies with this type of anemia do not make enough intrinsic factor or cannot properly absorb vitamin B12 in the small intestine. Research has shown you are more likely to become diagnosed with this disease if your decedents originate from Scandinavia or Northern Europe.
Pernicious Anemia was first discovered by a British physician named Thomas Addison in 1849. His work was later than carried on by Dr. William Clark in 1907 that did a series of experiments to find out the common effects and study symptoms. Have you ever happed to wonder maybe you could be carrying this disease and not even know it? Well there are many signs and symptoms that come with Pernicious Anemia, some more mild than others. Symptoms may include fatigue, depression, low-grade fever, nausea and weight loss. There are also test that