Perry Patetic's Essay: Why People Should Move To Other Places

Words: 569
Pages: 3

People should move to other places so they can get more experiences and more opportunities in their lives.Perry Patetic in his passage argues that mobility is causing people to discourage the love ones.The author supports his argument by first explaining how moving to other places is not a really good thing to do.He continues by saying that people should stop traveling, because when they travel to long it makes the loose track of close friends.The author's purpose is to persuade people to stop moving to other places and stay in the same place in order to stay with their family or friends.The author establishes a critical tone for the readers. People should move to other places because that way some people can get a better life in other place and start from the beginning.
Other people say that because of mobility people forget of people who were important some day in their lives or even family.People say that mobility makes it too easy for people to move away from the people relative and places of their past.People say that other people just run away from their past