Perseus The King: A Hero's Quest

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Pages: 2

Hero's face a lot of challenges while on a quest. Perseus is the best hero because he has a lot of guides to help him on his way. Also, Perseus puts himself into a lot of danger. Finally, Perseus's went on a long quest to get Medusa’s head. Perseus is the best hero because he had a lot of guides that help him, he faces a lot of danger, and he has a very long quest to go through.

Perseus has guides that helped him on his way. The items that he gets from Hermes and Athena gave him a huge advantage. The sword and shield that Hermes and Athena gave him helped him slay Medusa. Luckily the sea-nymphs gave him an invisible helmet. With all these tools he can actually slay Medusa. Once he was in her cave Perseus snuck behind her and sliced her head
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When Perseus decides to go and get Medusa’s head, he knew that he would face a major struggle. Once he realized the weirdly shaped rocks were past victims he knew that there was great danger ahead (92). This was great danger because Perseus risked his life by trying to slay Medusa and bring back her head to Acrisius “king of the argonauts”.

Perseus went on a huge quest just to get Medusa’s head. He had many steps to go through to be throned. Perseus had to go to Hermes and Athena to get a sword and shield (91). Next Perseus went to the grey hags to get information about where Medusa was located (92). FInally before Perseus went to kill Medusa, Perseus had to go to the sea-nymphs to get a invisible helmet, a wallet to put Medusa’s head in, and magic flying sandals (92). Perseus jumped through a lot of hoops just to be king.

Perseus is the best hero because he hal a lot of guides that help him, he faces a lot of danger, and he has a very long quest to go through. Perseus is the best hero because he has a lot of guides to help him on his way. Also, Perseus puts himself into a lot of danger. Finally, Perseus's went on a long quest to get Medusa’s head. That is why Perseus is the best