Personal Counselor Goals

Words: 651
Pages: 3

Mental health has always been important in my life. Seeing family and friends struggle with mental illness made me very aware of it at a young age. I witnessed first hand how mental illness can make people feel isolated as well as how much therapy and support can help. My interest in psychology started because I wanted to know how I could help people in my life. Not only did I learn how to understand and help others, I improved myself along the way.
Before entering college, it has been my goal to become a counselor because I have personally seen how therapy can change a person’s life. Along with my interest in psychology, I wanted to be able to make a positive difference in people lives, and I felt that I would best be able to do that by becoming a counselor. Pursuing a master’s degree in psychology will help me achieve my goal of becoming a licensed personal counselor. By pursuing this program, I will be able to counsel people and improve their lives. Entering this program will allow me to gain experience and knowledge that I will need to interact with unique individuals. Overall, this program will help me move forward in my field and achieve a career that is fulfilling and important to society.
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I was able to experience an extremely inviting atmosphere and see the reality of what being a counselor is. Seeing how clients would come in compared to how they left showed me how much of an impact therapy has on their lives. Prior to my internship, I volunteered as a listener on 7 Cups of Tea, an online therapy program. I would help new clients identify and work through their feelings, as well as direct them to the proper recourses. It was extremely fulfilling to help people who reached out and let them know someone was there for