Personal Finance Essay

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Pages: 6

Assignment 2: Financial Planning
(25.0 points) 1. Describe one short-term goal that you have and at least one thing you will need to do in order to accomplish that goal. (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)

One short-term goal that I have is to graduate from high school. I will need to do all of my work and do my best in all of my classes to accomplish that goal. 2. Describe one long-term goal that you have and at least two things you will need to do in order to accomplish that goal. (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)

My long-term goal is to go to college. I will need to finish high school with good grades. I will also need to prepare a plan to pay for the college of my choice.

3. Describe two of your long-term financial goals, and
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(2-4 sentences. 1.0 points) 12. Describe at least two discretionary expenses that you expect to have at some point in your life. (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points) 13. Imagine you have a budget of $1,000 per month. Make a list of at least three categories you would use that money toward, such as housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, entertainment, savings, and so on. Then put a dollar amount next to each item to show how much money you would budget for this item each month. Make sure the total adds up to $1,000. (3.0 points) TIP: The cost of each item can be a rough estimate. You don't need to research specific costs of each expense. 14. Describe an advertisement you've seen that uses a desire based marketing message. What desire does this ad appeal to? (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points) TIP: This can be any type of ad, such as a TV commercial, a radio ad, a magazine ad, a billboard, an Internet ad, or another type of ad. 15. Describe an advertisement you've seen that uses a fear based marketing message. What fear does this ad appeal to? (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points) TIP: This can be any type of ad, such as a TV commercial, a radio ad, a magazine ad, a billboard, an Internet ad, or another type of