Personal Narrative: A Day In High School

Words: 731
Pages: 3

This experience takes me back to third grade when I used to catch the school bus every day at 7:40 am. Every day I would get up at 6:30 am, get ready and then go out of the house a few minutes early to wait for the bus. Once I get on the bus I put on my headphones so I can tune everyone out. The bus carries kids from Kindergarten through fifth grade. Every day the bus was very loud and sometimes dangerous. I would glance to one side of the bus and see kids flying out of their seats, boys fighting in the back, and girls cursing at one another about something. I felt so out of place, was I supposed to be cruising, loud, angry and fighting like everyone around me? That was the question I asked myself every day. Every day I felt so alone and very out of place. …show more content…
The girl sat two rows in across from me, days passed and I still never knew her name, but I noticed that she was sitting alone. I saw from her eyes that she was feeling alone too. I also noticed kids making fun of her and calling her, “white girl, ugly, and smelly.” Deep down I felt horrible witnessing everything but outside I just kept quiet and didn’t try to help her. One day I heard someone say her name, her name was Autumn like the season. I had never met a person with that name so I was fascinated. Autumn was quiet, she didn’t yell, fight and curse like the other kids did, she was a lot like me. Every day I watched kids making fun of her hair, the clothes she wore, and how she looked. I didn’t see the things the kids saw because in my eyes she looked normal, she wasn’t perfect but she looked normal to