Personal Narrative: A Mother's Loss

Words: 500
Pages: 2

For one week, I was paralyzed. My mother blamed herself, unaware that her daughter was ill. I never blamed her because she was working her hardest, so that I could have the life she lacked, even if she wasn't around as much. When I was eight years old I felt like an experiment. I thought my life would be taken away from me, everything was hitting me hard like a tsunami. I wasn't able to breathe, speak, or move. I thought I was going to die.

During the scorching hot summer of August 2007, I had fallen ill. At that time I was in Kosovo; visiting family, a tradition I had every year. My relatives believed that I had food poisoning, I was constantly puking. Having experienced food poisoning before, this differed, there were sharp stings on both sides of my neck. The doctor I visited concluded that my situation required medical attention, suggesting my mother take me to Pristina; Kosovo's capital.
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"Mom, mommy, I can't do this. Please don't send me there, they'll hurt me." I clasped onto my mother's' shirt as the tears streamed down my face. I tried to control my breathing, but all I could do was let out loud sobs and coughs. "Listen to me." My mother placed her thin, cold hands on my cheeks. "I promise they won't hurt you. You're much stronger than you think." She kissed my face, and spoke soft, sweet words to calm me.

Ironically enough, no one had informed my mother that the procedure changed, a vaccination on the arm was now a vaccination in the spine. The moment my mother sat me down, she was informed to wait outside, "no family members are allowed until the procedure is over" the nurse translated.

I had never felt so alone. I kicked and screamed for my mother, her beautiful face full of tears as she watched me. As I was pressed down onto the bed, with no shirt on and my face full of tears, I knew my life had changed. I let out one final scream, before my body shut down on me and I blacked