Personal Narrative: A True School Story

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Pages: 4

"A true school story will tell the truth about this, though the truth is ugly"
Although it seemed like everything was okay

In high school we learn a lot; beyond the textbooks, about ourselves, and life. It’s confusing, like fighting a battle with enemies from all sides; dealing with schoolwork, planning for the future, stressing out the little things that felt important, and figuring out our relationships. Who’s there and who’s not. We think we’re so wise, and we know what’s up; while at the same time believing that somehow our sweetheart of two months is our soulmate, our forever, the one we're going to spend the rest of our lives with. We’re just too smart, until someone comes along and forces us to figure it out the hard way.
We learn the truth in high school-about love, friendships, and just
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But we also learn that they naturally fall apart, it happens, and that it’s never the end of the world. Even though it may feel that way at the moment, with such intensity that it almost kills. but in reality it'll get better and everything will be okay. It was one of the hardest lessons, which I discovered after my first relationship with“true love.”So this is how I coped, through the “five stages of grief”:

1. Denial and Isolation
I was sitting in my room. Looking back trying to figure out where I went wrong, I guess this could be classified as the first stage after grief: isolation and denial. I looked at my phone 5 missed calls and 10 text messages all from everybody but him. Tears filled my eyes as I unlocked my phone and seen my homescreen photo which was of him & I. I started calling him every time no answer but I kept calling and calling

2. Anger
The next couple days were kind of the same, in the blur, I couldn't tell how many days passed. It all seemed the same. A knock at the door, missed calls, little