Personal Narrative Analysis

Words: 1724
Pages: 7

I would consider myself a jack of all trades, yet a master of none. I am a mother, wife, farmer, dog breeder and trainer and most recently have been able to add student to that list. When I made the decision to go back to school and get my High School Diploma after 13 years out of school it took a great deal of courage. When I went to my husband and told him what I wished to do, he was incredibly supportive and agreed that this would be a wonderful achievement after many years. We agreed to be practical and realistic in planning how to make this happen. We sat down and made a list of who does what in our home and what a normal day entails. The list went from who did what house chores, fed dogs, made meals, trained dogs etc. My husband wisely …show more content…
We always had so many things to achieve we unknowingly were so overwhelmed we felt the need to ‘wing it,’ and the result being us both sitting in bed at night thinking ‘where on earth did the day go?” and ‘well, we did as much as we could, there is always next weekend.’ We knew that this would not be a successful method if I was to begin school and did not want to add additional stress to our lives, which led us to our first and most important strategy that my husband and I developed to achieve my goals; a schedule. We sat down and went through what a normal work and school day entails. From waking up with the kids for the school bus right down to bed time baths and feeding dogs. We knew that this was our map to success or alteast guide, and made sure we made practical and realistic goals with full knowledge that we would need to tweak it day to day. An example of important key goals were delegating family time, study time, meals and study. Setting 45 minutes for dinner time for us to sit and enjoy it as a family was important to make sure we maintained our family life and connections. It also helped us feel as if it was more ‘do-able’ by making a few fun main goals each day it kept us going through the more tedious and grueling chores of the day. Scheduled study times allowed my day to be broken up, giving me a better time to focus and then a break to step …show more content…
[In this sentence, you’ve used a capital letter incorrectly. Why do you think it is incorrect to start Technology with a capital letter? Remember, apart from the requirements of punctuation, we only capitalize the first letters of proper nouns. What types of words are proper nouns? Make sure you use capital letters correctly. Correct use of capital letters is an essential component of polished writing.] Initially it was difficult especially with the ages of our children and the need to stay connected with family and friends who live across the globe. We used it for communication, entertainment, education and business to name a few and while it is a true marvel, it can be incredibly distracting. This was a very big consideration that we made when creating our schedule. The amount of time spent on emails and social media just for communications and marketing for our business was even a surprise to us. I felt that cell phone use was necessary due to having children in school and also with many other types of calls that I regularly get that are of great importance so unless I was in a study session or my entire family was home, my phone is not turned off but placed in a basket in our kitchen and checked once every 30 minutes for missed calls or text messages. If I have a missed call or message I have 5