Personal Narrative Analysis

Words: 265
Pages: 2

When I know was around the age 5-8 I know believed in the tooth fairy. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that believed in it, but if I know am I know pretty sure you have believed in something magical. When I know was younger the tooth fairy would make me very jovial. As soon as one of my teeth would start being loose I know wanted it out! I know would go screaming to my mom saying, “MY TOOTH IS LOOSE!! TAKE IT OUT NOW!!!!” My mom would say pleasingly, “ it's not ready yet, you need to wait a little more,” I would always get mad at her after she told me that. I loved it when the tooth fairy would leave me $2-3 and a note saying, “ Perdiste un diente! Estoy tan feliz por ti. Espero volver a verte pronto, cuídate. escucha a tu mamá y papá