Personal Narrative: Bad Car Wreck

Words: 423
Pages: 2

When I was two I was drop on a metal bar by my dad,I really do remember anything from that time.When I was three I went fishing with my dad and we both were in our own tent,and I rolled into the water my head was in first.When my dad seen me, he grabbed me by my legs and pulled me out of the water.He started to do CPR.So the CPR was not working so he called the hospital.But when he went home he did not tell my mom that I was at the hospital from drowning.So they brought me back alive with the machines. When I was four i was in a really bad car wreck.My dad was going very fast to get to his daughter because he had a certain time to be there.The people that was in a car wreck was my sisters Destiny,Aleigha,my dad and