Personal Narrative: Big Joe Brady's Restaurant

Words: 540
Pages: 3

Now if you’re wondering, “Why listen to a story from a criminal and how he got caught?” I’ll tell you why and how it happened. Before I entered this police car, and now heading off to jail, I stood outside of a hardware store, waiting for a friend. First of all, the weather was terrible, picture New York on a chilly night, close to 10:00, with a bit of rain, but I stayed, waiting. If the question, “Bob, why did you stay outside in the cold?” the reason is, this was a promise made 20 years ago with my friend, Jimmy Wells. Before we parted, we made a promise that in 20 years, we would meet up at this restaurant called, “Big Joe Brady’s Restaurant,” but soon enough, it got shut down, While I was waiting, a policeman came up to me, I quickly responded by saying, “It’s all right, officer, I’m just waiting for a friend.” Additionally, I added that it was an appointment made 20 years ago. “About that long ago, there used to be a restaurant where this store stands - ‘Big Joe’ Brady’s Restaurant,” I explained. …show more content…
Then, I explained to him about the appointment, that it was made 20 years ago and about my best friend at the time, Jimmy Wells. “My best chum, and the finest chap in the world,” I explained. Additionally I explained that we were raised here “like brothers.” Also, I told him why the appointment was made, the reason is, we were about to part ways, due to the fact that, I was about to leave for the West. Furthermore, he asked me a few questions about after we parted, and how I was after we