Personal Narrative: Dazed And Confused

Words: 431
Pages: 2

I am the same age as Mitch Kramer, and while he is smoking weed, buying beer, making out with girls, and hanging out with seniors on his last day of freshman year, I am spending mine on the couch with my mom watching him do so in Dazed and Confused. Freshly fifteen, sitting inside with my mom while everyone else I know it at the beach is certainly not my ideal last day of school.
This is my favorite movie, but my mom thinks it’s stupid. It is stupid. It is sexist and insulting and everything else she may call it, but it is also considered the third best high school movie of all time and I think she’s enjoying herself, critiquing historical inaccuracies with the authority that she is the intended age of a majority of the characters--seventeen in 1976. She’s even laughing at my impression of Matthew McConaughey’s jerk of a character, although it may be out of motherly pity. I’ve dug out my too-big pink bell bottoms and actually feel cool emulating this twenty-something character who hangs out with high school kids.
There’s no way I’m telling anyone how I spent my day and I vow to have much cooler future last days of school, although I actually quite enjoyed myself.

I am the same age as Randall “Pink” Floyd, and while he is smoking weed, buying beer, making out with girls, and hazing freshman, I am spending mine asleep on the couch next to
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I would’ve grown into the pink bell bottoms by now, but I traded the pants for a dress that didn’t fit me. Spending time on the couch with my mom has become my favorite pastime. My mom still dislikes the movie, but she decides this each time she watches it, never remembering she’s seen it before. I continue to proclaim Dazed and Confused as my favorite movie, even though it hasn’t been for quite a while. I can’t wait to watch it again after my last day of school as a senior, as I’ve done the past three