Personal Narrative: Dying Next To My Best Friend

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Pages: 8

Dying next to your best friend is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, so I know how Dave Jensen felt when he lost his best friend Lee Strunk. ¨No one is spared of death, it is a life event that may result in a natural process, an act of violence, war, or an unexpected traumatic event”(Clements P.20 ) Dave Jensen lost his best friend in the War, while I lost my best friend in a traumatic event. Both of us had to watch them suffer trying to fight to live, and eventually they gave up and died in pain. For me death is the hardest thing to understand because it is hard for me to cope with it, even though I know that it has to happen and everyone is going to die because no one is spared from death. Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk made a deal if …show more content…
When I lost my brother I griefed for a very long time I didn’t want anyone to talk to me or ask how I was doing, I wanted to be left alone in my room by myself. “ The Beauty of knowing how to comfort a griever, melts the ice of fear and discomfort through authentic love and understanding with the passion of caring” ( Coppedge P.44) When I was finally ready to come out and talk to people about what happened it really helped me a lot because I knew I wasn’t alone and the only one griefing about his death. No one knew what actually happened but me and everyone had so many questions and at first, I didn’t want to talk about it, I couldn't get it out I would just cry because now I have to carry the baggage of what if I told Bradley to put his seatbelt on or if we had just ridden with my mom and aunt. I felt that it should of been me who had died. But my support system and knowing I had everyone that loved and cared for me around I knew that I have a purpose to be here and there is a reason I didn’t die in that car accident. Once I got everything off my chest I knew things were going to get easier it was like breaking the ice because I was scared that people might put the blame on me or be mad that I lived and he didn’t. The passion of everyone caring and showing they loved and cared about me and everyone that was there for me really helped me get better because I felt so alone, I lost my best friend, my brother. Knowing that I would never be able to see him again killed me more that actually the death