Personal Narrative Essay

Words: 427
Pages: 2

My grandparents have bonfires every year in the summer. To make bonfires we need firewood and we get this wood by chopping it. My grandfather always used to chop the wood, but eventually he started experiencing back pain My dad was unable to chop wood as well because he had to work.
My father told me one day “Come outside son, I am going to teach you how to chop logs.” and we went outside next to the woods. Darn it! I said to myself. They often complain how annoying chopping wood is. He handed me the axe, picked up a log from the log pile, and said “Here, try it.”
“Okay, If you say so.” I replied. I lifted the axe over my head, and dropped it! It was like watching a slow motion movie. The axe fell, straight towards my father’s feet! But with a swift movement, he caught the axe!
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You don’t hold it by the end of the handle, you hold it with one hand by the top of the handle and one hand near the bottom of the handle when you lift it, and slide your top hand down to your other hand as you swing downward. Here, watch.” Then, he took the axe, lifted it up, and with one swift movement, he effortlessly split the log in half. “Now, try it again, but this time, do it how I showed you.” he said as he held the axe out to me.
I took the axe, lifted it up, one hand at the top of the handle, and one near the bottom. I swung the axe, and I heard a loud crack! “Not bad.” my father said. I had split the log right down the center. We continued splitting logs for about an hour after that and I continued getting better and