Personal Narrative Essay

Words: 727
Pages: 3

As the institution broke down, everything would worsen. Mother Country would squeeze her fist even harder to reinstate control. More people would die before this ended.
The next day, I had to squeeze through groups of nurses to start my first work shift. The crowded halls reminded me of how these halls used to be, before the purging and the famine. We lost three more nurses to dissention before Ian Typhus even presented himself in the department. Thankfully, those nurses weren’t part of the resistance and were staunch communists. I should be used to it by now. The massive groups arrested in synced apprehensions. It used to be one or two dissenters with a dissenter list broadcasted every now and then. Now, with Ian Typhus leading Security and Surveillance, it was daily. Especially on Unite.
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Selena squealed as the two ripped apart. Her nurse uniform was completely unbuttoned from top to bottom. Henry pulled his glittered denim jeans back up.
“Henry, you need to return to Reporting and Accounting immediately,” I said calmly. He nodded and passed around me into the hall. “Go through the common area and backtrack your steps. We have special comrades visiting today.” He heeded my warning and spun to his right, exiting the hall and blending into the busyness of the next one.
“I need to see you in my office, right now,” I directed to Selena. She gave me a scoff but did as she was told. When we were in the private solitude of my office, I scolded her. “Ian Typhus is watching you. The only carrier he is obsessively spying on is you! The medical supplies closet with Henry?” She gave a smirk. “You’re smarter than this, Selena.”
“I wanted it to be Charles,” she responded. I had a sudden impulse to reach over, grab a fist of her hair, and face plant her into my desk. “I even thought about him the whole time I was with