Personal Narrative: Growing Up In A Single Parent Home

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Pages: 3

Growing up I knew things were different from the beginning but I didn’t know what was different until I was old enough to understand. Without you I have faced many challenges and exceptional hardships; however, I feel that the biggest challenge I have faced was simply growing up in a single-parent household. I never thought much of living in a single parent home it was a norm to me, even though I always knew that my father figure was missing. When I was young, I always thought not having you was strange, especially when I would go over to my friends to play. I would always see their fathers there being an active role in their life but when it was time to come home, I knew you wouldn’t be there waiting for me. You missed a lot throughout my life, a lot that you’ll still never get to know. With all this being said, I feel that the event that finally opened my eyes after all these years of you not coming around was when I did not see you at my high school graduation. When my name was finally called out and it was my turn to walk across the stage to receive my diploma that I worked so hard …show more content…
I don't believe in saying "I can't" simply because I don't always have the means that I need. Getting a job was a way for me to give for myself during my high school and most of my college career, a way of going after what I ultimately want in life, success. I want you to know that I don't see my upbringing in a single parent household as a “challenge" but instead, it has been an opportunity that has shaped my work ethic within in school, within my job, and within my normal everyday life. What others may see as a setback, I see as a blessing that has bettered me as a person, student, and employee. Personally, I feel that my mother was able to do her job as a parent and yours combined. She was able to do it all, without