Personal Narrative: Hearing Impaired

Words: 503
Pages: 3

Everyone has a dream or goal they would like to accomplish in their lifetime. However, along the path to reach this dream lies a great challenge that blocks a person from accomplishing their dreams. For me this challenge will always be the fact that I have impaired hearing. As a small child my parents had suspicions about my hearing, yet I did not become diagnosed as hearing impaired until second grade. This challenge shapes my life in every aspect possible and though overcoming it will be impossible, I have learned to deal with it. Unlike Beowulf, I will not slay my dragon before it slays me, my dragon and I will die together.
The day I received my first pair of hearing aids, sometime during second grade, was a strange day. It sparked my first feelings of being different, because before that I did not see any issues with my hearing. At first I refused to wear them at all and just wanted to believe, again, that I was not different from other kids. Growing up as a kid and thinking that you are less than other people is not an easy task. Eventually, I began to understand the difficulty of trying to live life only hearing a fraction of what other people heard. I would always miss certain words when people tried to talk to me and it became harder to understand what my teachers talked about most of the time. For those reasons, and more, I decided to start
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However, up until middle school I only wore them during school and always hid them behind my hair, taking them off as soon as I returned home. I do not remember the reason why, but around the time sixth grade started I began to wear my hearing aids outside of school. Also, I started to tell people, especially friends, about them instead of hiding them behind my hair. Last year, though, marks the point in time when I finally embraced my difference. Now I no longer care what people think of me or if they will look at me differently once they