Personal Narrative-Home

Words: 1731
Pages: 7

I close the door behind myself without taking my eyes off him.
He gestures toward his bed. “Sit.”
I cross the room and drop everything in my arms onto my open backpack before taking a seat. From this angle, I notice something hidden in his lap. I can make out an envelope, but the second item is purposefully concealed from my sight by one hand.
I brush my hair over one shoulder and fold my hands in my lap. If he’s going to play coy, I may as well join in.
“About what you said last night,” I prompt.
“Of course.” He nods. “The paperwork you filled out the other day was a Secrecy Agreement and an application for admittance into Human-Immortal Affair’s registry. The paperwork I filled out that same day was a sponsor application.”
“Sponsor?” It takes a moment before I recognize the word. “So you’re my sponsor because you’re the one who
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He glances away thoughtfully. “As your immortal sponsor, you could say that I have some level of legal standing over you.”
I feel like I recall reading that on one of the pages I signed in his packet. Perhaps I should have read more carefully or asked about it then rather than now.
Oh, well. It’s too late for that.
“So you used that standing to sign me up for some experimental program?” I ask flatly.
“I thought you may find it interesting.” He rubs his jaw. “It’s nothing special, and nothing negative. Any human admitted into HIA’s registry is eligible to apply.”
“Okay… but what is it?”
He leans back in the desk chair and sighs deeply. “There have always been humans who learn about immortals for one reason or another, but it’s been a struggle to integrate them into immortal society due to the vast differences between our species.”
I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off by raising his hand and flashing a knowing and dark smile. “I am aware that Night took it upon herself to enlighten you on that subject, so I won’t bother explaining further.”
I smile apologetically. He brushes it off and moves