Personal Narrative-Home

Words: 889
Pages: 4

“You see, Sam, my thoughts are that if we do not find our way , and this delinquent winds up causing chaos inside of our land of security, we are going to find ourselves surrounded by countless numbers of those things.”
I flinched as I remembered my dream and shivered considering that I remembered that it had been forever since we had discovered those things. We had narrowly escaped our deaths and in the end of it all, we still wound up living our lives in this metal prison, preventing us from seeing the blue sky through our own eyes and moving throughout the world on our own. I felt a sharp pain and realized that I had clenched my fist until my nails had dug into my flesh.
“Are you alright?” Gregory had asked, reaching forward and grabbing
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“I’m just fine, sir.” I said tossing the old Kleenex into the trash. “I was just thinking about my first encounter with those things.”
I heard the door behind us open and I turned to see Mason and Felicia both standing there walking into the Colonel’s Office. I watched as Felicia’s eyes lowered to my hand, still covered in half dried blood and before I could tell what was happening, Felicia had dived forward, pushing me aside and had grabbed the Colonel by the neck and pressed him into the wooden desk’s polished surface.
“You creep ,” she bellowed, her voice clearfly fuilled with rage and malice, “How could you do that to a defenseless woman. You’re not a soldier; you’re just a worthless cowardly bully!” With each word, her voice rose in volume as she slammed him harder and harder against the solid surface. After the third blow, a small patch of crimson began to appear on the surface. Eventually, she dropped the limp bleeding sac of flesh that used to be the Colonel onto the floor before walking over to me. “Are you okay, Sam?” She asked holding my hand and looking at the small
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“ ’Cause I am sick of this place.”
The three of them ran through the long hallway and found their way to a garage near the bottom of the military base and found a large jeep, which fit the keys Brian had found. They drove up through the garage and after breaking through the fence, were on their way back to any form of civilization. We left the metal prison in the distance when we heard the sound of tires following us.
“Guys,” I said, grabbing one of the rifles in the back of the jeep. “I think we should try going faster, you know, try and beat rush hour.”
Brian nodded, understanding my meaning and floored the pedal as we rocketed forward with the other jeep following at the same speed, increasing ever so slightly to try and reach us. I pulled the trigger as we turned into one of the small creeks near the dirt road and just narrowly took out a portion of their windshield. I heard a scream from Felicia and as I turned, I saw a group of Viles slowly shambling towards us.
“Turn the car, Brian, come on.” Felicia said frantically, “We can’t turn around, what are we going to