Personal Narrative: Homeless Home

Words: 663
Pages: 3

New York City. 60,456 homeless. 23,425 children. My arrogant self didn’t get it.
“Can’t they just get a job?”
“Where’s their family, can’t they just help them?”
“Hey, let’s go to this homeless shelter I heard about where we can help out,” My dad was trying to make my day a little better after my friends had ditched me. Back to this morning, my phone vibrated my whole body as my dad kept yelling at me to get up. Oh finally not a text from my mom asking if I’m ok. At that moment while I read my friends text I kind of wanted that mom text. It had said “hey sorry afra we have to leave early cause my sisters sick,” I kind of hated that sister for a moment. What am I supposed to do in New York City with my dad. I tell my dad what she said before
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That’s the thing I actually do regret. They’re the cool people. I’m over here acting like a fool while they have lived through everything. My dad and I go our separate ways. He goes to the kitchen to pack the families food. I decide to maybe play with the kids. I remember I had distanced myself from them. I still ask myself why I ever did that. We were basically the same person. I was no different and why should the part that they’re homeless affect me. I saw this girl. There was something about her. It never bothered her that she was homeless. She was just living life. I think the only smart move I did there was talk to her. We talk about all the celebrity drama. She was like any other girl that I’ve talked to. Why did it bother me that she was homeless? It wasn’t her physical beauty that caught my eye it was the beauty that she had inside her. So what she was homeless? She still acted like she was better than everyone else there and I liked that. Our talk later led to me meeting her family. We walk down to this very low maitnence hallway. The walls look liked they were going to fall down right then and there. I slowly follow her soft footstep to her family’s room. I already had imagined what their room wouldve looked like. This perfect hotel room with 2 beds and a huge bathroom. When I walked that is definitely not what I