Personal Narrative: How Soccer Changed My Life

Words: 1253
Pages: 6

Those things that give us a good change need to be left at some point in order to to spend time in the ultimate desirement. I began playing the sport of football or soccer as it is known in the United States at the age of 5. Memories exist in my mind, they highlight the bad days of being ill and not being able to participate in anything. One minute I would be fine, the next I would be close to dying. At times I was a fish out of the water, my nose did not respond and the last hope of getting air through the mouth did not work. Always seeing the different colored ice cream, all flavors but no money to buy it, and if there was I could not eat it. Playing soccer seemed to miraculously help me, I was finally able to have fun, do something with other kids my age, and somehow not get sick. After some time I never got so sick again, I was able to do anything I wanted and not worry about the consequences. …show more content…
The smell of warm fresh pizza was impossible to resist, donuts, and junk food are thrilling to any child so I ate some as much as possible. As we all know eating such things generates unwanted weight, I began getting more weight than desired and found out gaining is a lot easier than losing. Soccer season began once again, I was in bad shape for the extended amount of exercise. The coach told everyone ¨run three miles, you have 25 minutes to complete them”. I began to worry if I would be able to make it,and debating whether playing soccer was a good thing or a punishment for me. When I went home I talked to my mom about me continuing to play soccer or to stop. My mom told me ¨it is up to you, but if you decide to quit you will not play again¨. Having played for a long time at this point I decided I would stay because it would not be the same without it. Once again soccer helped me with something, the continuous exercise slowly made me loose weight and get to where I wanted to