Personal Narrative: I Am A Special Ed Teacher

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Pages: 3

Many people have events that occur in life that become defining moments for them, such as one day someone may end up helping a stray dog, this could lead to them become a veterinarian. A student in class one day might ask another peer for help, in the end he realizes how much he helped the kid so he decides to become a teacher. My mom has told me of many women who have special need children so they go back to school to become special Ed teachers.

For a while I had no idea what I wanted to do with my future, I'm a smart student but not the smartest, me and books don't clash too well, I have been playing soccer since I was four years old and i definitely felt i was better on the field then in the classroom, and eventually I started to
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I can't express how much that changed me perspective on life. After just seven days, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my future. I've always been the person who wanted to help others in anyway I can, when I was a little girl often that was mistaken for bossiness. I get asked a lot what made you want to go such a poor scary place and honestly no one ever mentioned it to me, one day I was in the car with my dad and we saw Walmart throwing away a couple hundred bananas that were perfect bananas but they had just been sitting out past the time zone they were aloud to be out. I turn to my dad and ask him why they were doing that when there was millions of homeless and starving families and children who were starving to death around the world. At the time i was 14 and in that moment i was so confused as to why us, the United States of America, the richest country couldn't send goods to help those in desperate need, my dad tried explaining to me that of course it wasn't that easy but we could go over there individually and help on our own, the next day I went to my church to ask if I could do any mission work, they handed me a paper that me and my parents had to fill out and then we started to get to work to prepare to