Personal Narrative: I Paint A Picture For Me

Words: 403
Pages: 2

Let me paint a picture for you. You come home after your long football practice, or basketball practice. Or maybe even from tutoring someone on the SAT. You're exhausted, but you still have to study for that test on 1984 tomorrow. You study, make your lunch, and then head off to bed around 10:30pm.Trust me, I’ve been there. But in my case it was different, I came home after a long fun night at my own sweet sixteen, everything was great. But then something weird happened. I was awaken by clutters. I remember sensing the urgency around my family. My Grandmother had passed away that night. My world was flipped upside down, I didn’t walk the same, I didn’t talk the same, I wasn’t the same after that day. Now, I’m sure a lot of you have lost a