Personal Narrative: Monster

Words: 624
Pages: 3

As sweat forms across my brow, a knot tightens within my chest, and my breathing quickens. Monsters are everywhere on the battle’s fateful day. Some of them sit in groups, clad in all of lushes reds, greens, blues. Others of them sit in long, single color gowns, huddling in sections over long grey granite tables, discussing in a mixture of hushed and raised voices, what they might do next to their unsuspecting victims, who would win the upcoming battle, and what bewitched armor they would don next time they frequented the market. One of them turns and speaks to me, bearing its teeth as I pass one of the counters. I shimmer, my sword clanks to the ground, and I fall. Over my words.
“Hi, Elijah!” Her wide smile sends chills of warmth through my spine; that smile can
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Though intrigued, I feel a nagging temptation to Google how to get a fake ID, and smuggle myself to England. I would have much rather have done so with most others. Her presence did not necessarily make me want to leave, however.
“I’m good!” Her voice is maple syrupy-thick with such sincerity, and my blood pressure immediately spikes. I feel my arteries voluntarily fill themselves with plaque, in preparation for a life-saving blood clot. They can’t take this anymore, and I inwardly voice my resounding agreement. As my vocal cords vibrate and my lips part, the words that come out are only the usual McNuggets that McDonald’s serves in Hong Kong on a Friday at 2pm. I want to speak a five star restaurant into existence.
“I’m glad you’re well.” Heart pounding, I mean it, but there, in that dungeon full of monsters, I want to say one more thing. And do something I’ve meant to do for a while now. Two plates of creamy pasta lay before us in my mind’s eye as we sit across from each other. The tablecloths are a silky red, and candles are lit in harmonious melody. A violin plays a harmonious tune that is like the Holy Spirit’s voice to our