Personal Narrative: My Baby

Words: 357
Pages: 2

Month 8 The Baby: My baby can finally see ! doctor said she may even respond she can see and her weight is now about four to six pounds. I feel like i have superpowers or something because I can feel when my baby is asleep, awake, and actively awake. Doctor told me my baby should now be producing surfactant. Surfactant is a chemical that will help her breathe after she is born. However she believes my baby won't be able to produce this due to her cystic fibrosis. The Mother: My baby is really heavy and I feel like an elephant when I walk as if I was carrying a boulder in my stomach. Don't know why I feel this way if my baby only weighs four to six pounds but my doctor told me that all the fluid adds on a lot more weight, which explains everything. I can’t move around much and I’ve been really lazy lately. I’ve in a lot pain for long periods of time in my lower back and knees. I get tired easily and I can't walk far distances without taking breaks. This totally sucks because I was invited to club and I can’t go because of the pain. However, the weirdest thing is that my breasts leaked colostrum the other day this is the fluid that will feed my baby until my milk comes in. …show more content…
My doctor just explained to me that what I eat is still important. Also since I've had trouble sleeping, my doctor told me to lay on my side with pillows to support my stomach. She also told me that warm baths can also help me relax and put me into a mellow