Personal Narrative: My Chesapeake Bay Trip

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Pages: 3

In my junior year of high school I went on a field trip to the Chesapeake Bay. The trip was with my biology teacher and she took our class so that we can go kayaking, which I had absolutely no idea how to. We were also going to test out our ROV’s (remotely operated vehicle) that my group and I had spent the past month in class constructing. When I first found out about the field trip and I learned we needed to construct a ROV I stared at my classmates with a blank look on my face and I got that look in return as we all thought “how in the world are we going to build that” Our biology teacher gave us all the parts needed to build it and my group and I were told to construct it by the end of the month. I worked on building it for hours a day ,sometimes my group and I would stay up to four hours after school to try and finish constructing it, Throughout this process, I used tools I never used before such as a soldering iron and I soldered the …show more content…
The kayaking aspect of this trip was freighting too many of us and personally I was scared myself. I had never been in a kayak and have no idea how to kayak. Once we arrived at the bay and our guide instructed us on how to operate the kayak, my group and I got in and off we were into the Chesapeake Bay with 4 inexperienced kayakers and a ROV we weren’t sure even worked correctly. I got the hang of the kayaking after a while and then my group’s attention turned to the ROV. When I saw the ROV moving behind our boat, again I had a sense of excitement as I felt that those hours after school to learn and build this actually paid off. At the beginning of the trip I thought for one, how is this ROV going to get built and secondly, I don’t even know how to kayak. Well, by the end of this trip I knew how to do both and it has definitely influenced how I think and go about doing whatever task is at