Personal Narrative: My Declaration Of Independence

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Pages: 7

of 1-3 I established my independence my parents were supportive. I was able to pick my clothes and shoes, brush my teeth on my own with the support of my parents.

Next, initiative vs guilt during my infancy I was able to play and interact with other children. I remember playing house with my neighbor friends and Barbie’s with my school mates. I never got in trouble in school. Actually I got grades, my mother has a tremendous collections of my certificates that I earned for having good grades and meeting the good person character traits in school. However I do recall that when I played house with my friends I would enacts the acts my grandfather did on me. Even writing about it now I feel embarrassed and ashamed. Children who have been molested will demonstrate their trauma through play. Thus, I did the same things. I remember playing with my Barbie’s and enacting what the male would do with a women. A part of me knew what my grandfather did to me was wrong because I felt scared and never told my mom about it. Stage 4 which occurs between the ages of five through
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First I wanted to be police officer but then changed my major to a counselor. Up to this age now being twenty five I am still facing role confusion. Do I want to be a stay home wife and take care of children or open up my own practice and help children victims of sexual abuse? I am still trying to figure out my life purpose. Currently I am in Erikson’s 6 stage intimacy vs. isolation. I am married to my high school sweetheart. We are having issues with understanding each other and meeting our needs. I don't feel supported or heard by my partner and he expresses I am not affectionate and supportive. Marriage is a struggle, I believe the relationship with my father and the other unhealthy encounters I have experienced during my younger years are affecting my