Personal Narrative: My Father, Laertes And Hamlet

Words: 542
Pages: 3

It is March 27, 1499 I sit here all alone in my room on a cloudy day, writing all my feeling that I cannot convey to anyone but myself, Emotion that direction me to my poor action and people that surround me on a daily basis who believe to be doing things out of love but in reality lead me to feeling useless. Anger, love, maltreatment, oblivious, doubtful, heartbroken all these feeling trap inside of me like a suppressed bottle of unopened wine, ready to be opened by a court screw. My Father, Laertes and Hamlet are major factor in my life that give me so much emotion that I myself cannot contain. My life is full of men who believe to be helping my life in a better way but do not know that I have feeling. My father is someone who I truly love and have full respect for but he doesn’t realize that he so caught up in trying to prove that hamlet is insane, my father uses me like a checker piece that he can just move me where he wants and command me like a dog. …show more content…
It is my vulnerability and the no respect that I have for myself, just the other day my father made me dress like a whore so I could go seduce my love Hamlet and with reply he said to me “Ay, truly, for the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness. This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it proof. I did love you once.” How could my hamlet say such powerful word to me? That he would have the word to call me a whore, tell me that he once loved me and urge me to “Get thee to a nunn'ry.” I feel so broken inside but at the same my heart says that Hamlet still love me and I shall prove it to him. “My honored lord, you know right well you did, and with them, words of so sweet breath