Personal Narrative: My First AP English Class

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Pages: 5

Sooner or later I knew that I was going to be taking IUPUI classes by my Junior year of high school, ever since I was in seventh grade at Crispus Attucks; neighbors of IUPUI. For the reason that Crispus Attucks High School challenges their students academically, I was ahead of the game. Entering my Freshman year of high school without fear, I took my first AP English class with Mr. Dearing, a sophisticated, tall, bald, white man, who fails at being humorous. At this instant, when I stepped into his classroom on the second floor I could already sense my writing skills being challenged; assignments being piled and being thrown at my face every week. I had Mr. Dearing for two years, AP English and AP Literature and Composition. Throughout those long two years of hard-working, strict, unpleasant, rigorous, and stressful moments of writing I am actually thankful and appreciative of going through hell of writing. It prepared me for what is yet to come in the future of the rest of …show more content…
Proof Text 1 was the very first draft of my literacy narrative. After having completed that, I felt very accomplished because never in my high school career did I write a “shitty draft” to then build from. My first draft would always be my last draft. I was able to focus and to write a good amount that then helped me compose my literacy narrative. My professor helped me understand that my thoughts did not have to be organized, but written down because every writing starts off shitty and from scratch. As much as I struggled in beginning my draft, I have trouble in writing conclusions. Writing conclusions were one of my weaknesses. In Proof Text 2, my conclusion is very vague and unengaging. However, compared to my literacy narrative’s conclusion, I have a well written conclusion that includes details that engage the reader and help them recapture what my writing was about without me having to write a