Personal Narrative: My First Protest

Words: 496
Pages: 2

Chants echoed down 5th avenue, making its way down the blocks to be heard throughout the city.
"No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here!"
"Ain't no power like the power of the people cause the power of the people don't stop, say what?"
My first protest was in the summer of 2017 during my internship YouthPower! at DRUM, Desis Rising Up and Moving. All throughout August I engaged in workshops based on topics including colonization, gender and sexism, capitalism and the global economy, war and imperialism, and the history of policing. These workshops were intended to teach the youth about problems affecting their community, combined with training in community organizing, media messaging, and outreaching, to attempt to combat these problems. My personal goal in applying for this internship was to make my voice heard in our current political sphere, since my age was a restriction for other modes of participation. So when it finally came time to put what I had learned about organizing into effect, I felt that I could finally do my part as a citizen to make a difference. My first protest was a defend DACA action.
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Shear and Julie Davis, on September 5th, 2017. This was one of the many articles published regarding the attack on DACA and Trump’s sightless justifications regarding why repealing the Obama instated program would be in the best interest of our country.
Knowing a numerous amount of people protected by this program, some of which are in my immediate family and friend groups, my reaction to this news was a mix of outrage, panic, and