Personal Narrative: My Grandpa By Roger Strand

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Pages: 2

Being courageous can mean throwing yourself into the most dangerous situations to help others be safe. Sometimes you don’t even get recognition for these actions, but that in my opinion makes you even more honorable. Not for attention, fame,or any other selfish reason, but to help people. It means that you are willing to put your life on the line and risk everything for people who won’t even know what you did. My grandpa, Roger Strand, was born in Mankato Minnesota on July 26 1923. He went to the University of Iowa and studied business administrations for his freshman and sophomore years before enlisting in the army to help fight in WWII when he was 19 years old. He trained in the army infantry at Camp Roberts, California. These were the ground troops, the ones who carried the rifles and wore their helmets and fought the hard battles, “We called ourselves the ‘Queens of battles’.” he tells me laughingly.
After his basic training, my grandpa took a series of tests and was qualified to study military engineering at Ohio state university. Unfortunately, a semester into his studies, the program was cancelled because the army needed more ground troops for the
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The 23rd special troops were essentially a Trojan horses of WWII. Using deceptive equipment such as inflatable tanks, their mission was to distract the German army opposite them by tricking them into thinking that a group of about 1000 men was actually 30,000. In doing this, they allowed the real, larger group of troops to circle around and attack the Germans from a different location. This was a very dangerous job as they did not have many actual weapons to defend themselves with and had to wait for the real infantry to attack the Germans. They are now referred to as the ghost army because of how they seemed to almost phantasmically appear and disappear without leaving a