Personal Narrative: My Job At Walmart

Words: 160
Pages: 1

My job at Walmart is to greet people. Doesn’t seem so bad, right? Well, you thought wrong. People scream at the top of their lungs when they see me standing out there, waving and smiling. I think that it is my green, scaly skin scares people off as soon as they get in a 10 feet radius of me, but my black spiky hair and stitches all over my face does not help anything either. I try to be good, I honestly do! But somehow I have to have a weekly meeting with my boss about scaring people and how maybe I need to change my clothing style. When people see me, they run. Yet, they don’t even give me a chance to let them get to know me, and if they did, Momma says they would really like me. Hopefully, someday, they will come around and get to see that