Personal Narrative: My Lif Life

Words: 486
Pages: 2

Finding a theme that inspired me, which could make the words flow, and allow me to express who I am suggested the impossible. In the first stages of writing I found myself skydiving, riding camels, and embarking on hopeless endeavors just to find the perfect topic, and I did. Unfortunately, life is teeming with obstacles, and even perfection had its own flaw. My ideal topic was so inspiring that five-hundred words were not enough to express how I felt, even a hundred-thousand would never suffice in synthetizing its importance, and I realized that sometimes life forces us to leave passion, to attain love. Thanks to that five-hundred-word limit I discovered that a person’s life, as reduced as it may be, can have more meaning if unbound by the normal limits of the mind. …show more content…
It took a long time for me to figure out that I am not supposed to be asking what the meaning of my life is, but rather, I should be answering it. It was difficult at first, being unable to comprehend where it is I stood in the Universe. Not one single human being is like another, and yet, we make the same mistakes, have the same dreams. Although my life has been quite ordinary, I know that I am unique and that I have a responsibility. There is a mystery in life that is absorbing, especially to one as curious as myself. Let me describe, in the best way that I can, through the words of others. Quino, a famous cartoonist, explained in a single comic strip, where we humans lie in the universe. Here was a young boy, Felipe, gleefully feeding his turtle slices of lettuce. “Poor creature! All you know about life is this house, but do not know that the house is in a city, or that the city is in a country... or that the country is in the world! Or that the world is in space... or that space is in...” Dazedly Felipe sits down and proceeds to eat the remaining lettuce, conscious that he too, is unaware of where he