Personal Narrative: My Life After Relapse

Words: 462
Pages: 2

Nine years ago, my mom made the toughest decision to move her older sister, Cynthia, two hours away from her kids and friends in order to take care of her after having another relapse. Recently divorced and physically and mentally very weak, my aunt moved into my grandparents house, and fortunately, she made almost a full recovery despite the weakening of her legs causing her to walk with a walker. In the past nine years, our lives have been altered forever. A few years after her relapse, my grandfather passed away resulting in my mom and me stepping up to take care of her because my grandmother could not do it alone. Having my grandfather pass and grandmother unable to take her of her alone, I spent countless hours during my summer and after school helping out around the house in anyway I can. Helping out so often, it is hard to handle an after school job with my schoolwork. Within the past two years her condition has worsened, and my aunt has begun to have seizures that require her to be put completely asleep and on a vent in order to stop and help prevent any more damage to her brain. Sadly when she has one of these devastating seizures, my aunt has to be transported to Oschner Medical Center. My mother has unfortunately a terrible phobia of bridges, and in order to get to Oschner's we have to cross the Mississippi River. My grandmother is unable to drive due to health conditions, and my aunt's children live over two hours away, and they do not visit too often. Our only other choice to get …show more content…
Family matters the most, and they certainly come before everything else. They will always be there for me, and their love will always be unconditional. My aunt's diagnosis with MS has taught me what truly family is, and I could not be more thankful for that. My Aunt Cynthia has been the complete opposite of a burden to me. She has helped shaped me into the person I have