Personal Narrative: My Mother's Sickle Cell Anemia

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Pages: 4

My mother has always been a little different than most people ever since she was a child. She wasn’t always at school and she barely had any friends .People would always pick on her for being “Stupid” Just because she was more behind then them in school and she would always get ridiculed for not coming outside too play in the snow with the other children. My mother doesn’t let it get to her though. She’s the strongest person I know because her whole life for 38 years she’s been fighting something that not a lot of people know about and that’s sickle cell anemia.
Sickle cell anemia is a disease that causes red blood cells to misshapen and break down in the blood stream. This is caused by there being a low supply of hemoglobin within the red cell causing it to become shaped like a crescent. Hemoglobin is a mineral
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Because of this she always had piles of makeup work that her teachers would still give her zeros for if not completed on time and when she was in the classroom she had no idea what was going on because she was never there. This resulted in her getting terrible grades and not being able to finish high school because of the amount of catching up she had to but couldn’t do. The worst part of the school year for her was the winter because that’s when sickle cell acts up the most. Because of the low temperatures it can trigger reactions with the sickle cell that causes the person extraordinary pain throughout the body. The reason for this is because in the cold blood vessels become narrow causing the blood cells to have a hard time flowing in the blood stream, thus causing those painful reactions. Because of this my mom always has a big coat on too stay warm and never wants to leave the house until it gets warm outside again. I can see how lonely my mother gets so I always tried to be at the house and even chose to attend college at home to be with