Personal Narrative: My Rollercoaster Of Progress In English 1113

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Pages: 4

It is sad to say, but writing is no longer my strong suit. I feel as though I no longer have the right words to say no matter how hard I try. Writing about topics I am not passionate about is extremely hard for me. Even though I am not the best writer, I have realized that I have grown as a writer. English 1113 has given me a realization that I actually have to try. From being extremely confident writing my first paper to feeling discouraged writing my second paper, I have experienced a rollercoaster of progress in English 1113. I have learned that confidence in my writing skills alone will not ensure an excellent paper; I must practice time management, and add sincere effort to my confidence. On January twenty-second, I turned in my first …show more content…
On my next paper, “Finally Complete,” I was extremely confident because I worked hard on it at school and outside of school. I was even passionate about my topic. No matter how hard I tried on this paper, I still received a C. I started feeling extremely discouraged, and thought that I would never be able to bring my grade back up. I started crying as soon as I saw that grade because I was so disappointed in myself. That disappointment turned into motivation. I tried this tactic of setting a time outside of school to work on my next paper, “The Consequences of One Sport.” I made sure I had no distractions; it was just me and my paper at this point. I would work on it at school, come home and work on it again for another hour. I continued this process until the paper was completed and revised. I turned my paper in and the difference between my rough draft and final draft increased fourteen points. When I checked the grade book and saw this grade I was tremendously excited. It still was not what I expected from myself, but it was an improvement and I was completely happy with that. I still wanted to bring my grade up; I decided that maybe having confidence, setting time aside, and putting in effort would help me achieve this