Personal Narrative-My Shield Speech

Words: 601
Pages: 3

I was slightly surprised by how well my shield speech went. Beginning my first speech was a tad bit nerve wracking and I expected that there would have been more obstacles to face. Although it was not perfect, I feel as though my shield speech went well and am confident in my abilities to improve from my starting point. I will admit, I did not spend a ton of time preparing for my shield speech. I worked on my outline and finished it within the amount of time allowed in class. Making my shield was probably the task that took the majority of my time. I spent one night getting all of my items ready and organized for my speech. I also wrote note cards from my outline. When I went up in front of the room, I expected to feel nervous and uncomfortable. However, to my surprise, I didn’t feel …show more content…
I felt that my speech went well and was confident with almost everything about it. However, I know that in the future, I need to work on trapping the anxiety inside and not letting It show at all. I tend to fidget naturally; I know that during my speech I moved my note cards in my hands. This was something I had expected to need to work on before I even gave my speech. I believe that with plenty of practice and self-control, I will be able to eliminate this habit. The next time I give a speech I will focus on my body motions and movements. Staying still in one spot is tough, but I know it can be done. I will also practice more with my visual aid. I did not have any major issues with my visual aid during my shield speech, however, I feel that it is important to be comfortable with it and practice a bit more. I had expected my shield speech to be rough, and I was extremely surprised when I had few complications. I was also not expecting to be so comfortable in front of the room. I did not expect my nerves to be eliminated so much and for my face to refrain from turning