Personal Narrative: My Trip To Florida

Words: 337
Pages: 2

For my tradition I do every year is I go to Florida every year. I go to Florida with my mom and dad some years or I go with my aunts, uncle and cousins other years. Last year my mom and my aunt Heather got tickets for a cruise ship for me and my 3 other cousins. We had to get on the ship in florida. When we got on the ship everyone got a key card when we got to our rooms Me and my other cousin Sam stayed in my mom’s room and my two other cousins Isah and Benny stayed in my aunt heather’s room. Sometimes when we went to the room when my aunt and mom wasn't around we used Sam’s key card or we used my key card. We went to the Bahamas and a the cruise ship owner’s private island. When we got back to Florida we wanted to go to a NASA but it was