Personal Narrative: My Trip To Kansas City

Words: 571
Pages: 3

Michael Bueno
Mrs. Timberlake
Rough Draft
The Day It was my 9th birthday when I got told some amazing news. I had just started to play football that year and I liked professional football but i didn’t have a favorite team. When I played football video games I just picked the team with the better colors. But on this day, I was persuaded to be a chiefs fan. It was November 2nd 2007 and my dad said he had a special gift for me for my birthday. My birthday was the 4th so I was excited and not sure what it was. It came in an envelope so I just thought it was going to be money or something like that. When i opened that envelope I wasn’t completely sure what it was so at first was confused on what that slip of paper meant. Then when I saw that it said chiefs tickets, front row seats, I was so excited.
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I’ll never forget that long first drive to Kansas City. A lot of fun and not so fun experiences happened like getting a speeding ticket from a state trooper. But, around 7 that saturday we finally made it to our hotel in Kansas City. The hotel was really nice but we were still in Kansas so we had to wake up around 9 to make it the game at 12. I was so excited and the suspense was building so I went to sleep around 10. That morning was a great morning because the hotel we were at had a breakfast dine in thing. The funny thing was there was a hockey team at our hotel and they started singing happy birthday to one of their players. After they heard it was my birthday too they sang it to me too. As a 9 year old I was so happy. But, after awhile we headed to Arrowhead