Personal Narrative: My Vision For America

Words: 775
Pages: 4

I would like to talk to you at length: I would like you to listen and think about yourselves and the world. As the future of our nation, we are searching for the meaning of life and I hope that in this search America will find what will not only be a contemporary experience,but a powerful experience that will generate through us, a more just society, a superior nation, but overall / a superior world.
“What is your vision for America?” It’s a question that I’m sure my fellow classmates would agree has been overused. And I’ve come to the conclusion that no one truly thinks about their answer anymore / They already have their standard answer for the question, so as to not have to think more than they have to. Regardless, each individual mind, while seemingly simple, has a complex idea of what they envision for America’s future / whether they notice it or not. The majority of those my age would say my vision for America is rather
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I'd like to see an America where the citizens do not think the poor are poor because it's their own fault. My perfect America would be a land where all people are treated equal. A place where the human being is more important than profits and corporate greed. Perfection would be one population moving toward a common goal of shared responsibility and shared prosperity. No child would go hungry. No person in need would be left behind. Instead of finding ways to blame and trivialize people for not "measuring up", / we would all reach down and gently lift our companions to join the rest of us. Tolerance, rather than division, hatred, paranoia and injustice. / I’m a dreamer, and well aware…. Mankind isn't programmed to live in happiness. Even if we could somehow achieve this dream, it would quickly be twisted and bastardized into something ugly. But unfortunately / that’s the nature of mankind. That however does not mean our nation should not make an effort to change