Personal Narrative: Myself In Washington D. C

Words: 242
Pages: 1

Since the tenth grade, my parents have been telling me to compile my college list. My 15 year old self had no idea where to start, so I started with the basics. I wanted a city. After growing up outside of New York City, I could not imagine a life confined to a campus in the middle of nowhere. I knew Washington D.C. would be the perfect city for me. I have been going to D.C. every year since I was 8 years old for the Cherry Blossom festival, and I fell in love with it. I’m addicted to the warm feeling I get everytime I’m in D.C.- a feeling of importance. With helicopters flying over me, a police escort driving by, secret service passing on the streets- I feel exhilarated. Something is always happening in D.C. and I want to be a part