Personal Narrative-Parenting

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Pages: 3

Everyone has heard of the saying “what goes around comes around”. I strongly believe in this saying because I witnessed it happen to someone I use to be very close with when I was younger. When I was in fourth grade, I had a best friend named Josie. I met her on the first day of school that year and on that day; we became the best friends ever. Little did I know that when we would get older, she would betray all her friends and me. It all started when we got to middle school, in the sixth grade, she made this fake Facebook profile and she put the name “Alyssa Burns” who was one of my close friends. She put the profile picture as a koala, my favorite animal. That same day she made it; she added me and messaged me saying rude comments about Josie. …show more content…
Well as the week goes on, Alyssa did not talk to me and I was getting rude looks from people, but I did not think much of it. The week after that, the sixth grade counselor into the counseling office. The counselor Mrs. Kahmann, told me that Josie came in that morning saying that I called her the night before confessing that I gave her the information to log into the bullying Facebook page. I told her how I was grounded from the computer and my phone so I couldn’t have done that, which was true I did get grounded for not cleaning my room. Mrs. Kahmann called Josie in and asked her why she lied about it. She did not know what to say so she started to cry so Mrs. Kahmann told me to go back to class. Later that day, my other best friend Loretta, came up to me and asked why I lied to Mrs. Kahmann and made Josie look bad. I was so mad when she said that to me that I started to angry cry and tell her that I have nothing to do with it and that it was probably Josie who made it since she is the only one that knows the password and information for …show more content…
In seventh grade, she stole my phone out of my locker and blamed it on my friend Jade. Even though Jade did not even know my locker combination. The only person who knew my locker combination was Josie. Therefore, I went to the office and told my counselor Mrs. McMullins that someone stole my phone from my locker and she said that she would call people in to ask them questions. Mrs. McMullins told me that when they asked Josie, that she started crying saying that she went to my locker that day because she needed a pencil, but that the pencil she got was black. First, all my pencils were the colorful mechanical ones and second, black was the color of my phone. I never accused her of taking my phone so I never got it back and did not get a new phone until last summer because my mom said that she was not going to pay for it. After that, I was still her friend because I am too nice, but I was not close to her. In eighth grade she would spread things about her friends and would blame it all on this girl named Alyssa Silvers, who I might add, is also a compulsive liar like Josie. Both of them are now friendless and many people dislike them for being liars and drama