Personal Narrative: The Crescent Island

Words: 277
Pages: 2

The Crescent Island experience began for me before I even arrived there. From my skiff, birds seemed to be posing for me in their vibrant or outrageous plumage. Further along, a pod of bobbing hippos appeared to be comical oafs until I realized they could easily capsize our small craft. After safely navigating the hippo hazard we arrive at our real destination - Crescent Island, the tip of a volcano submerged in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha. Effectively insulated by the surrounding fresh water lake, there was only one carnivore to worry ourselves over - an enormous Boa constrictor. An unfortunate dik dik was already his dinner and as he dozed and digested the miniature antelope for hours, we were free to safely explore. A walk over scrubby grass