Personal Narrative: The Interventions That Changed My Life

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Pages: 4

My tired body slugged across the cold hospital floor, goosebumps arose from my arms and legs. I got weak, shaky and lifeless. I felt like this tumor had taken over my life within a couple weeks. I was only eleven when this golf ball sized mass grew inside my head. I thought it was my fault that I let something so horrible change my life.
February 13th 2011, The day before my surgery my family and I drove for four hours to the University of Michigan hospital. I had five doctor appointments that day, two of which were meeting the doctors that would be performing the surgery. Dr.Arts an amazing, kind, gentle doctor, explained how the surgery would be done. He said that he’s never seen a child with this kind of tumor before. “If the tumor, an Acoustic Neuroma, wasn’t removed soon my face would be paralyzed.” Those words changed everything, my heart started beating faster and I got more nervous until Dr.Thompson, the neurologist, came into the room. He shook my hand very softly
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I couldn't have been more thankful. I held the bear while she took my vitals and hooked the IV up to my arm.
It was 7:00AM before they finished prepping me for surgery. An anesthesiologist came in with Dr.Arts and Dr.Thompson and they shipped me off to the surgery room. I remember seeing the doctors washing their hands and getting ready. The Anesthesiologist put a mask over my nose and mouth that smelled of cherries and asked, “Can you count to ten with me?” We then began slowly counting, ten, nine, eight, seven, six and then I fell asleep.
The surgery lasted for ten hours. And when I woke up I definitely felt the pain. I felt so different and ugly because I had this giant uncomfortable bandage on my head. I had tubes coming out of my body and I remember feeling scared of myself and unpleasant to look at. I had this little container hanging out of my stomach and it was filled with fluid from my stomach. It made me get sick. I was not in the best