Personal Narrative: The Odyssey

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Pages: 5

The Odyssey is one of the most recognized classics of its time. I remember reading it for the first time during my freshman year of high school. At the time, I had overlooked it as merely a story about a man going through a journey to return back home. After being exposed to The Odyssey again after 6 years, it has definitely sparked a new interest in me to envision the story in a way I had never done before. If I were to be the director of a cinematic version of The Odyssey, I would include some key changes to make the story a bit more revamped in order to fit today’s audience style. Alongside many of the main characters from the story, I would focus on the inclusion of Antinous in the plot of the film. As I had read the story and watched the film, I felt that Antinous was an underrated character in the story. There was a lot more to his character, including characteristics such as intelligence, charm, and confidence. I visualize him as a character that can even rival Odysseus stature. However, Antinous was just not …show more content…
I would want to expand on his various tactics in my film as it would be interesting to see how his plans are foiled every time. As a child growing up, one of my favorite TV shows was Tom and Jerry, a comedic show displaying different scenarios in which a cat continuously fails in efforts of hunting a mouse. The dispute between Antinous and Telemachus reminds me of this since Antinous always fails with every move he makes in the story. Concrete examples of scenes could be Antinous riling up the other suitors to and him personally laying a trap for Telemachus, both scenarios which would end up failing in the process. While my version of the film has elements of action and romance, I would want to add in a bit of comedic relief in order to make the film very well-rounded and suitable to all kinds of audience