Personal Narrative: The Ontarios

Words: 402
Pages: 2

The Ontarios were a happy family. Josh And Susan Ontario have been married for 11 years. They have two kids, Anna and Adam Ontario. On a hot summer day they decided to go to the beach. First, they went swimming in the Pacific Ocean. They played catch with a Great White Shark. Then they got tired and went on the sand to make a sandcastle. “Mom, can we make a sandcastle that looks like a mountain?”asked Anna. “Sure.”said Mom. So they made a sandcastle that is now known as Mount Lagon. Josh went to go get the car but got lost. He was very sad. He didn't know where to go or where his family was. He was so sad, his tears made Lake Superior. He was very determined to find his family, so he went off trying to find them. There was only one problem:There