Personal Narrative: The Space Man

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Pages: 3

Space Man May 16 1881 was the day I went into space I was the first person to get to get to space. I remember that day I could not ever stay still. I was flying in a new ship NASA made. It will be going to take me 5 years to get there little did I know it was going to change my life forever the stuff I went through the time I spent I will never be the same. The day before I left came my heart was pumping as fast as a train I didn’t know whether to be happy, sad, nervous I couldn't think straight the day came and it happened.

The countdown started 5,4,3,2,1 I was in the air I knew there was no going back now, everything was going perfect we made it to the international space station in 4 months it was all good until I heard a big bang I thought it was nothing so I left it. My partner went to see what it was he was gone for 10 minutes he did not come back 25 minutes he finally came back, he said nothing happened, but I could see his eyes filled with rivers so I knew something was up.
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Until I remembered, his wife was pregnant with his first child and he will be gone and will not see his chilled. I looked behind me he was looking at a picture of her I went back to my chair and sat down. He stops ones I got back. I was like what was that noise proudly nothing my partner said. 1 week went by, we heard a noise again, this time we were scared we did not know what to do and then we realized there were asteroids all around us we were scared and did not know if we were safe. I put on my space gear and went out to reap the damage on the