Personal Nursing Philosophy

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Pages: 6

Nursing is an honorable profession for advancing service to humanity especially those afflicted by illnesses to enhance faster recovery. A nurse should have the zeal and commitment of extending a helping hand to patients irrespective of their political orientation, religious inclinations, race, financial status or any form of disability that may be affecting the receivers of the services. The practice of medicine is both a scientific commitment and a social science which needs deeper understanding of humanity and how to deal with them. This calls for a practitioner to be of well-defined principles and predictable in terms of patient care approaches.
My personal philosophy of nursing is that nurses have a responsibility of providing holistic
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This means that when treating patients, each patient remains as important as the other regardless of what troubles him or her.
The principles of patience, love for patients, commitment in service, sincerity and honesty, integrity in work, handwork and compassion for the patients are my guiding force and in line with both the biblical, ethical, professional and political codes of behavior. An important ingredient in the healing process of patients is the realization that they have someone to lend them an ear of benevolence in their health woes (Fowler & American Nurses Association, 2008) assert that nurses carry the hope of many, and treatment of patients with moderation and discretion, through application of the aforementioned core values is a very crucial aspect in the field of nursing. My personal philosophy is to blend these qualities with service
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I will find a position at a hospital where I can grow and take on new challenges over time. I like to accept more management responsibilities. But first, I want to work for an organization where I can build a profession. As a Nurse, I hope to participate in the community in order to benefit more people than are currently being served. Also, I will be married and probably start a family life.
My vision in five years, I will be doing my MBA and working in a Nurse Administrator position. Since learning is a continuous process in the nursing field, nurses have a responsibility of keeping at phase with the consistent demands of the medical field by adding more to their knowledge and skills. I see myself as a successful nurse and learning new skills that help me achieve my career goals. I am excited to invest the next few years in the field I am interested.
My vision in ten years, I will be enjoying my family life and high level of responsibility as a Nurse Administrator and contribute my effort and achievements to the community. I intend to use my skills and unique experience to achieve the vision of what I think a Nurse should be. And I see myself with improved management skills and continue learning from